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Rascal in Paris

RASCAL is about the cutest little pup you’ve ever seen! He is adorable, charming, SO SMART, LOVES JAZZ and loves his human family—but, he is most DEFINITELY, a RASCAL and spends every day of his life—well, almost every day—living up to his name!

Come along for Rascal’s first ADVENTURE—RASCAL in PARIS, where the little guy ends up on a mad chase from two mean French poodles--throughout the beautiful CITY OF LIGHTS!

How did he manage to do that? UNWITTINGLY, he ends up at the top of the Eiffel Tower!! AND THE ARC OF TRIUMPH!!

Well, only a Rascal could manage to be in the mix of such a THRILLING ADVENTURE!


Stay tuned for the Rascal sequel, where Rascal gets lost in the Castle Valley of the Loire in France!

Rook to Strasbourg

IT’S THE 1980’s—There are NO cell phones, tablets and computers are a rarity! Ronald Regan is President and John Paul II reigns as the current Pope!

Paula Giordano, a cheeky, sassy, smart wannabe spy and Italian-New Yorker, following in her father’s giant footsteps, trashes it all and escapes to Strasbourg, France: Realizing that she is just no match to her Pop, the Iconic, Tony Giordano!

Desperate to prove herself, shedding her spook life for the opportunity of a lifetime, exchanging her “cover” identity for her artistic true self, she accepts a contract to illustrate an historical book on the Ancient City from the world-famous historian, Dr. Karl Junger.

Bumping into and butting heads with “Strasbourg’s most coveted playboy”, Christian Larsonnier upon her train arrival in the Medieval City, seems to challenge her determination to a possible derailment. Just who exactly is this coveted vintner? What might he and his self-proclaimed “jewel thief” father be up to?

What’s more, Paula cannot seem to shake the feeling of being followed. Has her father got spy eyes on her? What is this foreboding which raises the hairs on the back of her neck? Is it just Tony closing in on her whereabouts?

This action-packed story will keep you on the edge of your seat with colorful characters, as Paolina Regina Giordano falls down the rabbit hole of never-ending drama searching desperately for her true self and a new meaning to her life—to whatever destiny the Universe ordains!

                                                      Also available at:

Michele Milano

music, books, photography, jewelry & art

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