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About Michele Milano


Michele Milano’s introduction to the art world began from her earliest years, watching in awe her father drawing, and painting with various mediums:  Inking, Water Colors, Charcoal, and Oils.  A child prodigy himself:  Michele remembers stories of her father at pre school age drawing family portraits around the kitchen table during WWII blackouts in New York.


Both her parents came from musical families inspiring her to start piano lessons from an early age.  Her father coming home with a piano in his truck one day started a lifetime musical journey.


From Childhood to Graduate School, Michele pursued degrees in General Music to French and Vocal Performance Studies.


From Academia to the Concert Stage, she performed in a wild array of venues for the most interesting clients:  Ambassadors, Political and religious Dignitaries, in venues such as  Notre Dame, Cathedral of Augsburg, Germany to various US Embassies, and French and German Stages. 

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Never suspecting that some day, she would end up at The Corcoran School of Art and Design studying Jewelry Metalsmithing as a result of being on the look out for the perfect bauble to match her concert attire!


But, her artistic journey did not end there!  An avid nature lover with a Ornithologist son, her love for nature and landscapes lured her into a world of Landscape Painting and Photography.  It helped to be from one of the most scenic areas on the planet:  The Hudson Valley, Croton-on-Hudson, New York. 


Her Jewelry has sold internationally, as well as to sport world celebrities, a Metropolitan Opera leading lady to clients from all walks of life looking for that startling One of A Kind Objet D’Art:  Michèle Milano Jewelry.

If I Sing, An Ode to DadMichele Milano
00:00 / 04:52

Michele Milano

music, books, photography, jewelry & art

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